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Collecting logs from Microsoft 365

TeskaLabs can collect logs from Microsoft 365, formerly Microsoft Office 365.

There are following classes of Microsoft 365 logs:

  • Audit logs: They contain information about various user, admin, system, and policy actions and events from Azure Active Directory, Exchange and SharePoint.

  • Message Trace: It provides an ability to gain an insight into the e-mail traffic passing thru Microsoft Office 365 Exchange mail server.

Enable auditing of Microsoft 365

By default, audit logging is enabled for Microsoft 365 and Office 365 enterprise organizations. However, when setting up logging of a Microsoft 365 or Office 365 organization, you should verify the auditing status of Microsoft Office 365.

1) Go to and sign in

2) In the left navigation pane of the Microsoft 365 compliance center, click Audit

3) Click the Start recording user and admin activity banner

It may take up to 60 minutes for the change to take effect.

For more details, see Turn auditing on or off.

Configuration of Microsoft 365

Before you can collect logs from Microsoft 365, you must configure Microsoft 365. Be aware that configuration takes a significant amount of time.

1) Setup a subscription to Microsoft 365 and a subscription to Azure

You need a subscription to Microsoft 365 and a subscription to Azure that has been associated with your Microsoft 365 subscription. You can use trial subscriptions to both Microsoft 365 and Azure to get started.
For more details, see Welcome to the Office 365 Developer Program.

2) Register your TeskaLabs collector in Azure AD

It allows you to establish an identity for TeskaLabs and assign specific permissions it needs to collect logs from Microsoft 365 API.

Sign in to the Azure portal, using the credential from your subscription to Microsoft 365 you wish to use.

3) Navigate to Azure Active Directory

4) On the Azure Active Directory page, select "App registrations" (1), and then select "New registration" (2)

5) Fill the registration form for TeskaLabs application

  • Name: "TeskaLabs"
  • Supported account types: "Account in this organizational directory only"
  • Redirect URL: None

Press "Register" to complete the process.

6) Collect essential informations

Store following informations from the registered application page at Azure Portal:

  • Application (client) ID aka client_id
  • Directory (tenant) ID aka tenant_id

7) Create a client secret

The client secret is used for the safe authorization and access of TeskaLabs

After the page for your app is displayed, select Certificates & secrets (1) in the left pane. Then select "Client secrets" tab (2). On this tab, create new client secrets (3).

8) Fill in the information about a new client secret

  • Description: "TeskaLabs Client Secret"
  • Expires: 24 months

Press "Add" to continue.

9) Click the clipboard icon to copy the client secret value to the clipboard

Store the Value (not the Secret ID) for a configuration of TeskaLabs, it will be used as client_secret.

10) Specify the permissions for TeskaLabs to access the Microsoft 365 Management APIs

Go to App registrations > All applications in the Azure Portal and select "TeskaLabs".

11) Select API Permissions (1) in the left pane and then click Add a permission (2)

12) On the Microsoft APIs tab, select Microsoft 365 Management APIs

13) On the flyout page, select the all types of permissions

  • Delegated permissions
    • ActivityFeed.Read
    • ActivityFeed.ReadDlp
    • ServiceHealth.Read
  • Application permissions
    • ActivityFeed.Read
    • ActivityFeed.ReadDlp
    • ServiceHealth.Read

Click "Add permissions" to finish.

14) Add "Microsoft Graph" permissions

  • Delegated permissions
    • AuditLog.Read.All
  • Application permissions
    • AuditLog.Read.All

Select "Microsoft Graph", "Delegated permissions", then seek and select "AuditLog.Read.All" in "Audit Log".

Then select again "Microsoft Graph", "Application permissions" then seek and select "AuditLog.Read.All" in "Audit Log".

15) Add "Office 365 Exchange online" permissions for collecting Message Trace reports

Click on "Add a permission" again.
Then go to "APIs my organization uses".
Type "Office 365 Exchange Online" to search bar.
Finally select "Office 365 Exchange Online" entry.

Select "Application permissions".
Type "ReportingWebService" into a search bar.
Check the "ReportingWebService.Read.All" select box.
Finally click on "Add permissions" button.

16) Grant admin consent

17) Navigate to Azure Active Directory

18) Navigate to Roles and administrators

19) Assign TeskaLabs to Global Reader role

Type "Global Reader" into a search bar.
Then click on "Global Reader" entry.

Select "Add assignments".
Type "TeskaLabs" into a search bar. Alternatively use "Application (client) ID" from previous steps.
Select "TeskaLabs" entry, the entry will appear in "Selected items". Hit "Add" button.

Congratulations! Your Microsoft 365 is now ready for an log collection.

Configuration of TeskaLabs


  client_id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
  tenant_id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
  client_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

# Collect Microsoft 365 Audit.General
  connection: MSOffice365Connection
  content_type: Audit.General
  output: ms-office365-01

# Collect Microsoft 365 Audit.SharePoint
  connection: MSOffice365Connection
  content_type: Audit.SharePoint
  output: ms-office365-01

# Collect Microsoft 365 Audit.Exchange
  connection: MSOffice365Connection
  content_type: Audit.Exchange
  output: ms-office365-01

# Collect Microsoft 365 Audit.AzureActiveDirectory
  connection: MSOffice365Connection
  content_type: Audit.AzureActiveDirectory
  output: ms-office365-01

# Collect Microsoft 365 DLP.All
  connection: MSOffice365Connection
  content_type: DLP.All
  output: ms-office365-01

output:XXXXXX:ms-office365-01: {}

# Collect Microsoft 365 Message Trace logs
  connection: MSOffice365Connection
  output: ms-office365-message-trace-01

output:XXXXXX:ms-office365-message-trace-01: {}


The connection to Microsoft 365 must be configured first in the connection:MSOffice365:... section.

  client_id:  # Application (client) ID from Azure Portal
  tenant_id:  # Directory (tenant) ID from Azure Portal
  client_secret:  # Client secret value from Azure Portal
  resources:  # (optional) resource to get data from separated by comma (,) (default:,


Fields client id, tenant_id and client secret MUST be specified for a successful connection to Microsoft 365.

Collecting from Microsoft 365 activity logs

Configuration options to set up the collection fot the Auditing logs (Audit.AzureActiveDirectory, Audit.SharePoint, Audit.Exchange, Audit.General and DLP.All):

  connection:  # ID of the MSOffice365 connection  
  output:  # Which output to send the incoming events to
  content_type:  # (optional but advised) Content type of obtained logs (default: Audit.AzureActiveDirectory Audit.SharePoint Audit.Exchange Audit.General DLP.All)

  refresh:  # (optional) The refresh interval in seconds to obtain messages from the API (default: 600)
  last_value_storage:  # (optional) Persistent storage for the current last value (default: ./var/last_value_storage)

Collecting from Microfost 365 Message Trace

Configuration options to set up the source of data of Microsoft 365 Message Trace:

  connection:  # ID of the MSOffice365 connection
  output:  # Which output to send the incoming events to

  refresh:  # (optional) The refresh interval in seconds to obtain messages from the API (default: 600)
  last_value_storage:  # (optional) Persistent storage for the current last value (default: ./var/last_value_storage)

Refresh of the client secret

The client secret will expire after 24 months and it has to be periodically recreated.

1) Navigate to Azure Active Directory.

2) Go to "App registrations" and select "TeskaLabs".

3) Create a new client secret.

Go to "Certificates & secrets".
Hit "New client secret" in "Client secrets" tab.
Fill "TeskaLabs Client Secret 2" in the Description. Use increasing numbers for new client secrets.
Select "730 days (24 mothns)" expiration. Hit "Add" button.

4) Reconfigure TeskaLabs to use new client secrets.

5) Delete the old client secret.

Microsoft 365 Attributes explained

Attribute Description Values as an example Notes Full list (ext)
o365.audit.ActorContextId ID of the user or service account that performed the action. 571c8d2c-1ae2-486d-a17c-81bf54cbaa15
o365.audit.ApplicationId Application identifier (unique letter+number string) 89bee1f7-5e6e-4d8a-9f3d-ecd601259da7
o365.audit.AzureActiveDirectoryEventType The type of Azure Active Directory event. The following values indicate the type of event. 0 - Indicates an account login event.
1 - Indicates an Azure application security event.
o365.audit.DeviceProperties Source device properties such as OS, browser type etc. Name:"OS"
{2 items
{2 items
{2 items
Parcing of these properties is still in progress
o365.audit.ErrorNumber An error code string that can be used to classify types of errors that occur, and should be used to react to errors. 0, 50140, 501314 ...
o365.audit.ExtraProperties Not defined yet //
o365.audit.FileSizeBytes FIle size in bytes 23301
o365.audit.InterSystemsId Unique inter system ID string acc33436-ee63-4d81-b6ee-544998a1c7d9
o365.audit.IntraSystemId Unique intra system ID string 01dd20c0-edb9-4aaa-a51b-2bf38e1a8900
o365.audit.ItemName Unique item name b1379a75-ce5e-4fa3-80c6-89bb39bf646c
o365.audit.LogonError Error message displayed after failed login InvalidUserNameOrPassword, TriggerBrowserCapabilitiesInterrupt, InvalidPasswordExpiredPassword
o365.audit.ObjectId URL path to accesed file Documents/Docs/o365 - logs.xlsx
o365.audit.RecordType The type of operation indicated by the record. This property indicates the service or feature that the operation was triggered in. 6
o365.audit.ResultStatus Triggered response Success, Fail
o365.audit.SourceFileExtension Accessed file extension (format type). .xlsx, .pdf, .doc etc.
o365.audit.SourceFileName Name of file user accessed "o365.attributesexplained.xlsx"
o365.audit.SupportTicketId ID of the potential Support ticket, after user opened a support request in Azure Active Directory. // The customer support ticket ID for the action in "act-on-behalf-of" situations.
o365.audit.TargetContextId The GUID of the organization that the targeted user belongs to. 571c8d2c-1ae2-486d-a17c-81bf54cbaa15
o365.audit.UserKey An alternative ID for the user identified in the UserID property. For example, this property is populated with the passport unique ID (PUID) for events performed by users in SharePoint. This property also might specify the same value as the UserID property for events occurring in other services and events performed by system accounts. i:0h.f|membership|
o365.audit.UserType The type of user that performed the operation. The following values indicate the user type. 0 - A regular user.
2 - An administrator in your Microsoft 365 organization.1
3 - A Microsoft datacenter administrator or datacenter system account.
4 - A system account.
5 - An application.
6 - A service principal.
7 - A custom policy.
8 - A system policy.
o365.audit.Version Indicates the version number of the activity (identified by the Operation property) that's logged. 1
o365.audit.Workload The Microsoft 365 service where the activity occurred. AzureActiveDirectory This is the Internet message ID (also known as the Client ID) found in the message header in the Message-ID: header field. 08f1e0f6806a47b4ac103961109ae6ef@server.domain This ID should be unique; however, not all sending mail systems behave the same way. As a result, there's a possibility that you may get results for multiple messages when querying upon a single Message ID.
o365.message.index Value of MessageTrace Index 1, 2, 3 ...
o365.message.size Size of the sent/received message in bytes. 33489
o365.message.status Following action after sending the message. Delivered, FilteredAsSpam, Expanded
o365.message.subject Message subject; can be written uniquely. "Binding Offer Letter for Ms. Smith"