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Tenant metrics

You can investigate the health and status of microservices on a tenant-specific basis if you have multiple tenants in your system. Tenant metrics are specific to Parser, Dispatcher, Correlator, and Watcher microservices.

Naming and tags in Grafana and InfluxDB

  • Tenant metrics groups are under the measurement tag.
  • Tenant metrics are produced for select microservices (tag appclass) and can be further filtered with the additional tags host and pipeline.
  • Each individual metric (for example, is a value in the field tag.

The tags are pipeline (ID of the pipeline), host (hostname of the microservice) and tenant (the lowercase name of the tenant). Visit the Pipeline metrics page for more in-depth explanations and guides for interpreting each metric.


A counter metric with following values, updated once per minute:

  • The tenant's events per second entering the pipeline.
  • eps.aggr: The tenant's aggregated events (number is multiplied by cnt attribute in events) per second entering the pipeline.
  • eps.drop: The tenant's events per second dropped in the pipeline.
  • eps.out: The tenant's events per second successfully leaving the pipeline.
  • warning: The tenant's number of warnings produced in the pipeline in the specified time interval.
  • error: the tenant's number of errors produced in the pipeline in the specified time interval.

In Parser, the most relevant metrics come from ParsersPipeline (when the data first enters the Parser and gets parsed via preprocessors and parsers) and EnrichersPipeline. In Dispatcher, the most relevant metrics come from EventsPipeline and OthersPipeline.


A counter metric with following values, updated once per minute:

  • The tenant's byte size of all events entering the pipeline in the specified time interval.
  • load.out: the tenant's byte size of all events leaving the pipeline in the specified time interval.