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Language localizations WebUI provides customization of language localizations. It use i18n internalization library. For details, refer to:

Import and set custom localisation WebUI allows to re-define text of application components and messages for every section of the application. The language localizations are stored in JSON files called translate.json.

Custom locales can be loaded into the WebUI application via config file. The files are loaded from e.g. external folder served by nginx, where one can store it among CSS styling and other site configuration.

Example of definition in static config file of WebUI:

module.exports = {
    app: {
        i18n: {
            fallbackLng: 'en',
            supportedLngs: ['en', 'cs'],
            debug: false,
            backend: {
                {% raw %}loadPath: 'path/to/external_folder/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json',{% endraw %}
                {% raw %}addPath: 'path/to/external_folder/locales/add/{{lng}}/{{ns}}',{% endraw %}

Where * fallbackLng is a fallback language * suportedLngs are supported languages * debug if set to true, displays the debug messages in the console of the browser * backend is backend plugin for loading resources from the server

The path/to/external_folder/ is a path to the external folder with the locales folder served by nginx. There has to be 2 folders referencing to supported languages. Those folders are en and cs in which translate.json files are stored, as you can see in the folder structure below:

* external_folder
  * locales
    * cs
      * translation.json
    * en
      * translation.json

Custom translate.json file example


    "i18n": {
        "language": {
            "en": "English",
            "cs": "Česky"

    "LogConsole": {
        "Connection lost": "Connection lost, will reconnect ...",
        "Mark": "Mark",
        "Clear": "Clear"



    "i18n": {
        "language": {
            "en": "English",
            "cs": "Česky"

    "LogConsole": {
        "Connection lost": "Spojení ztraceno, připojuji se ...",
        "Mark": "Označit",
        "Clear": "Smazat"
