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Troubleshooting ASAB Maestro

Interacting with the Docker or Podman manually

There is ./ script in the /opt/site folder on each node. This script works exactly the same as a docker command but in the correct cluster setup. This includes the docker compose bit.

This is useful when ASAB Maestro components are not working as expected and their UI or API is not available.


$ cd /opt/site
$ ./ compose up -d
[+] Running 6/6
  Container asab-config-1          Started       0.1s
  Container asab-remote-control-1  Started       0.1s
  Container zookeeper-1            Started       0.1s
  Container zoonavigator-1         Started       0.1s
  Container asab-library-1         Started       0.1s
  Container asab-governator-1      Started       0.1s


Manual update to the recent ASAB Governator

If you need to manually update the asab-governator on the particular node, this is a proper procedure:

$ cd /opt/site
$ ./ image pull
$ ./ compose up -d asab-governator-1

Replace asab-governator-1 with a proper instance_id on the asab-governator on the given node. Use ./ ps -a to identify the instance_id.