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Regex expressions¤


Use Regexr to develop and test regular expressions.

Type: Mapping.


what: <string>
regex: <regex>
hit: <hit>
miss: <miss>

Scan through what string looking for any location where regular expression regex produces a match. If there is a match, then returns hit, otherwise miss is returned.

The expression hit is optional, default value is true.

The expression miss is optional, default value is false.


```yaml !IF test: !REGEX what: "Hello world!" regex: "world" then: "Yes :-)" else: "No ;-("


Another form:

what: "Hello world!"
regex: "world"
hit: "Yes :-)"
miss: "No ;-("

!REGEX.REPLACE: Regular expression replace¤

Type: Mapping.


what: <string>
regex: <regex>
by: <string>

Replace regular expression regex matches in what by value of by.


what: "Hello world!"
regex: "world"
by: "Mars"

Returns: Hello Mars!

!REGEX.SPLIT: Split a string by a regular expression¤

Type: Mapping.


what: <string>
regex: <regex>
max: <integer>

Split string what by regular expression regex.

An optional argument max specify the maximum number of splits.


what: "07/14/2007 12:34:56"
regex: "[/ :]"

Returns: `['07', '14', '2007', '12', '34', '56']`

!REGEX.FINDALL: Find all occurences by a regular expression¤

Type: Mapping.


what: <string>
regex: <regex>

Find all matches of regex in the string what.


what: "Frodo, Sam, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, Boromir, Merry, Pippin"
regex: \w+

Returns: ['Frodo', 'Sam', 'Gandalf', 'Legolas', 'Gimli', 'Aragorn', 'Boromir', 'Merry', 'Pippin']

!REGEX.PARSE: Parse by a regular expression¤

Type: Mapping.

See the chapter !PARSE.REGEX