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Aggregate expressions¤

An aggregate expression is a type of function that performs calculations on a set of values and returns a single value as a result. These expressions are commonly used to summarize or condense data.

!AVG: Average¤

Calculate the average / arithmetic mean.

Type: Sequence


Read more about Arithmetic mean on Wikipedia.


- 6
- 2
- 4

Calculation of the average (6+2+4)/3, the result is 4.

!MAX: Maximum¤

Returns a maximum value from the seqence.

Type: Sequence


- 1.5
- 2.6
- 5.1
- 3.05
- 4.45

The result of this expression is 5.1.

!MIN: Minimum¤

Returns a minimum value from the sequence.

Type: Sequence


- 2.6
- 3.05
- 4.45
- 0.5
- 5.1

The result of this expression is 0.5.

!COUNT: Count number of items¤

Counts the number of items in a list.

Type: Sequence


- Frodo Baggins
- Sam Gamgee
- Gandalf
- Legolas
- Gimli
- Aragorn
- Boromir of Gondor
- Merry Brandybuck
- Pippin Took

Returns 9.

!MEDIAN: The middle value¤

The median is the middle value in a list of numbers; half of the values are greater than the median, and half are less than the median. If the list has an even number of elements, the median is the average of the two middle values.

Type: Sequence


Read more about median on Wikipedia.


- 1
- 4
- -1
- 9
- 101

Returns 4.

!MODE: Value that appears most often¤

The mode is the value or values that occur most frequently in a list. It can be used to represent the central tendency of a data set.

Type: Sequence


Read more about mode on Wikipedia.


- 10
- 10
- -20
- -20
- 6
- 10

Returns 10.

!RANGE: The difference between the largest and smallest value¤

Calculates the difference between the largest and smallest values.

Type: Sequence


Read more about range on Wikipedia.


- 1
- 3
- 4
- 20
- -1