Overview of network ports¶
This chapter contains an overview of the network ports used by LogMan.io. The majority of ports are internal, accessible only from the internal network of the cluster.
Internal network¶
Port | Protocol | Component |
tcp/8890 | HTTP | NGINX (Internal API gateway) |
tcp/8891 | HTTP | asab-remote-control |
tcp/8892 | HTTP | asab-governator |
tcp/8893 | HTTP | asab-library |
tcp/8894 | HTTP | asab-config |
tcp/8895 | HTTP | asab-pyppeteer |
tcp/8896 | HTTP | asab-iris |
tcp/8900 | HTTP | seacat-auth (Private API) |
tcp/8950 | HTTP | lmio-receiver (Private API) |
tcp/8951 | HTTP | lmio-ipaddrproc |
tcp/8952 | HTTP | lmio-watcher |
tcp/8953 | HTTP | lmio-alerts |
tcp/8954 | HTTP | lmio-elman |
tcp/8955 | HTTP | lmio-lookupbuilder |
tcp/8956 | HTTP | lmio-ipaddrproc |
tcp/8957 | HTTP | lmio-correlator-builder |
tcp/8958 | HTTP | lmio-charts |
tcp/3443 | HTTPS | lmio-receiver (Public API) |
tcp/3080 | HTTP | lmio-receiver (Public API) |
tcp/3081 | HTTP | seacat-auth (Public API) |
tcp/8790 | HTTP | bs-query |
tcp/8810 | HTTP | ACME.sh |
tcp/9092 | Kafka | Apache Kafka |
tcp/9000 | HTTP | Kafdrop |
tcp/2181 | ZAB | Apache Zookeeper |
tcp/9001 | HTTP | Zoonavigator |
tcp/8086 | HTTP | InfluxDB |
tcp/8888 | HTTP | Jupyter Notebook |
tcp/5601 | HTTP | Kibana |
tcp/3000 | HTTP | Grafana |
tcp/27017 | proprietary | MongoDB |