LogMan.io Parsec¶
TeskaLabs LogMan.io Parsec is a microservice responsible for parsing logs from different Kafka topics. LogMan.io Parsec puts logs into a single EVENTS
Kafka topic if parsing succeeds, and into an OTHERS
Kafka topic if parsing fails.
Parsing is the process of analyzing the original log (which is typically in single/multiple-line string, JSON, or XML format) and transforming it into a list of key-value pairs that describe the log data (such as when the original event happened, the priority and severity of the log, information about the process that created the log, etc).
LogMan.io Parsec replaces LogMan.io Parser.
A simple parsing example
Parsing takes a raw log, such as this:
<30>2023:12:04-15:33:59 hostname3 ulogd[1620]: id="2001" severity="info" sys="SecureNet" sub="packetfilter" name="Packet dropped" action="drop" fwrule="60002" initf="eth2.3009" outitf="eth6" srcmac="e0:63:da:73:bb:3e" dstmac="7c:5a:1c:4c:da:0a" srcip="" dstip="" proto="17" length="168" tos="0x00" prec="0x00" ttl="63" srcport="47100" dstport="12017"
@timestamp: 2023-12-04 15:33:59.033
destination.mac: 7c:5a:1c:4c:da:0a
destination.port: 12017
device.model.identifier: SG230
dns.answers.ttl 63
event.action: Packet dropped
event.created: 2023-12-04 15:33:59.033
event.dataset: sophos
event.id: 2001
event.ingested: 2023-12-04 15:39:10.039
event.original: <30>2023:12:04-15:33:59 hostname3 ulogd[1620]: id="2001" severity="info" sys="SecureNet" sub="packetfilter" name="Packet dropped" action="drop" fwrule="60002" initf="eth2.3009" outitf="eth6" srcmac="e0:63:da:73:bb:3e" dstmac="7c:5a:1c:4c:da:0a" srcip="" dstip="" proto="17" length="168" tos="0x00" prec="0x00" ttl="63" srcport="47100" dstport="12017"
host.hostname: hostname3
lmio.event.source.id: hostname3
lmio.parsing: parsec
lmio.source: mirage
log.syslog.facility.code: 3
log.syslog.facility.name: daemon
log.syslog.priority: 30
log.syslog.severity.code: 6
log.syslog.severity.name: information
message id="2001" severity="info" sys="SecureNet" sub="packetfilter" name="Packet dropped" action="drop" fwrule="60002" initf="eth2.3009" outitf="eth6" srcmac="e0:63:da:73:bb:3e" dstmac="7c:5a:1c:4c:da:0a" srcip="" dstip="" proto="17" length="168" tos="0x00" prec="0x00" ttl="63" srcport="47100" dstport="12017"
observer.egress.interface.name: eth6
observer.ingress.interface.name: eth2.3009
process.name: ulogd
process.pid: 1620
sophos.action: drop
sophos.fw.rule.id: 60002
sophos.prec: 0x00
sophos.protocol: 17
sophos.sub: packetfilter
sophos.sys: SecureNet
sophos.tos: 0x00
source.bytes: 168
source.mac: e0:63:da:73:bb:3e
source.port: 47100
tags: lmio-parsec:v23.47
tenant: default
_id: e1a92529bab1f20e43ac8d6caf90aff49c782b3d6585e6f63ea7c9346c85a6f7
_prev_id: 10cc320c9796d024e8a6c7e90fd3ccaf31c661cf893b6633cb2868774c743e69
_s: DKNA