import pprint
import asab
'asab:storage': {
'type': 'elasticsearch',
'elasticsearch_url': 'https://localhost:9200/', # enter one URL or list of URL's
'elasticsearch_username': '<username>',
'elasticsearch_password': '<password>',
# 'elasticsearch_api_key': '<your api key>',
# 'cafile': '<CA Certificate>',
class MyApplication(asab.Application):
async def initialize(self):
# Loading the web service module
async def main(self):
storage = self.get_service("asab.StorageService")
print("=" * 72)
# Check the connection
connected = await storage.is_connected()
if connected:
print("Connected to ElasticSearch on {}".format(storage.URL))
print("Connection to {} failed".format(storage.URL))
# Obtain upsertor object which is associated with given "test-collection"
# To create new object we keep default `version` to zero
print("-" * 72)
print("Creating default id and version")
u = storage.upsertor("test-collection")
u.set("bar", {"data": "test"})
object_id = await u.execute()
obj = await storage.get("test-collection", object_id)
print("-" * 72)
print("Result of get by id '{}'".format(object_id))
# Obtain upsertor object for update - specify existing `version` number
obj = await storage.get("test-collection", object_id)
u = storage.upsertor("test-collection", obj_id=object_id, version=obj['_v'])
print("-" * 72)
print("Updating an object with ID '{}' and version {}".format(object_id, obj['_v']))
u.set("foo", "buzz")
object_id = await u.execute()
obj = await storage.get("test-collection", object_id)
print("-" * 72)
print("Result of get by id '{}'".format(object_id))
# Reindex the collection
print("-" * 72)
print("Reindexing the collection")
await storage.reindex("test-collection", "test-collection-reindex")
obj = await storage.get("test-collection-reindex", object_id)
print("-" * 72)
print("Result of get by id '{}'".format(object_id))
# Remove the reindexed collection
print("-" * 72)
print("Deleting the entire reindexed collection")
await storage.delete("test-collection-reindex") # returns {'acknowledged': True}
# Delete the item
print("-" * 72)
print("Deleting the object with ID {}".format(object_id))
await storage.delete("test-collection", object_id)
# Insert the document with provided ObjId
print("-" * 72)
print("Insert the document with ID 'test'")
u = storage.upsertor("test-collection", "test")
u.set("foo", "bar")
object_id = await u.execute()
obj = await storage.get("test-collection", object_id)
print("-" * 72)
print("Result of get by id '{}'".format(object_id))
print("-" * 72)
print("Delete the document with provided ObjId")
deleted_document = await storage.delete("test-collection", object_id)
print("-" * 72)
print("Deleted document:")
print("=" * 72)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = MyApplication()