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SP-Lang Performance¤


SP-Lang is designed to deliver a very high performance.

Internally, it compiles provided expressions into a machine code, using LLVM IR and large degree of optimizations that are possible thanks to a functional structure of the language. It offers extremely high single CPU core throughput with a seamless ability to scale processing to available CPU cores and take full benefits of modern CPU architectures.

Performance tests measures throughput in EPS, Events per seconds. Events per second is a term used in IT management to define the number of events that are processed by SP-Lang expression in one second. EPS is measured for a single CPU core.

Performance tests are automated using CI/CD framework and therefore completely reproducible.

Multi-string matching¤

This expression locates elements of a finite set of strings within an input text. It is suited for eg. classification of the malicious URLs (provided by a blocklist) in the output of the firewall.

  where: !ARG url
  - ""
  - ""
  < 64 domains in total >
  - ""
  - ""
The list is provided by the blackweb project.

  • Single CPU Core on HW-M1-20: 1423686 EPS
  • Single CPU Core on HW-I7-15: 807685 EPS

JSON parsing¤

what: |
    < >


Fast JSON parsing is powered by cysimdjson respectively simdjson projects._

  • Single CPU Core on HW-M1-20: 968502 EPS
  • Single CPU Core on HW-I7-15: 562862 EPS

IETF Syslog parsing¤

This is the IETF Syslog aka RFC5424 parser implemented in SP-Lang:

- !PARSE.EXACTLY {what: '<'}
- !PARSE.EXACTLY {what: '>'}
- !PARSE.EXACTLY {what: ' '}

- !PARSE.TUPLE # Timestamp
  - !PARSE.DIGITS # Year
  - !PARSE.EXACTLY {what: '-'}
  - !PARSE.DIGITS # Month
  - !PARSE.EXACTLY {what: '-'}
  - !PARSE.EXACTLY {what: 'T'}
  - !PARSE.DIGITS # Hours
  - !PARSE.EXACTLY {what: ':'}
  - !PARSE.DIGITS # Minutes
  - !PARSE.EXACTLY {what: ':'}
  - !PARSE.DIGITS # Seconds
  - !PARSE.EXACTLY {what: '.'}
  - !PARSE.DIGITS # Subseconds
  - !PARSE.EXACTLY {what: 'Z'}

- !PARSE.UNTIL   {what: ' '}

- !PARSE.EXACTLY {what: ' '} # APP-NAME
- !PARSE.UNTIL   {what: ' '}

- !PARSE.EXACTLY {what: ' '} # PROCID
- !PARSE.UNTIL   {what: ' '}

- !PARSE.EXACTLY {what: ' '} # MSGID
- !PARSE.UNTIL   {what: ' '}

  what: !PARSE.TUPLE
    - !PARSE.EXACTLY {what: '['}
    - !PARSE.UNTIL   {what: ' '} # SD-ID
      - !PARSE.EXACTLY {what: ' '}
      - !PARSE.UNTIL   {what: '='} # PARAM-NAME
      - !PARSE.EXACTLY {what: '='}
         what: '"'
         escaped: '\\"]'
  • Single CPU Core on HW-M1-20: 304004 EPS
  • Single CPU Core on HW-I7-15: 181494 EPS

Reference Hardware¤


  • Machine: MacBook Air (M1, 2020)
  • CPU: Apple M1, Launched at 2020


  • Machine: MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016)
  • CPU: 2.6 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7, I7-6700HQ, Launched at 2015