ElasticSearch + Kibana and TeskaLabs SeaCat Auth Batman¶
This is a guide to configuring SeaCat Auth as a proxy to Kibana users and roles. As Kibana is not OAuth-compatible and supports only Basic Authentication, integrating it into a Single Sign-On environment requires a special approach. The Batman component (Basic Auth Token MANager) is designed exactly for this task - it "translates" Seacat session cookies into Basic Auth headers and synchronizes Kibana/ElasticSearch users with Seacat Auth credentials and their access rights.
How does it work?¶
The flow for using Batman auth is almost the same as the cookie auth flow,
the only difference being in the type of introspection used.
Instead of the PUT /cookie/nginx
endpoint (which exchanges Seacat client cookie for ID token),
Batman auth uses PUT /batman/nginx
(which exchanges Seacat client cookie for Basic auth header).
Configuration example¶
Let's say we want to Seacat Batman authorization for our Kibana app.
We have ElasticSearch and Kibana applications
up and running, as well as a working instance of Seacat Auth with Nginx reverse proxy.
We will need to configure these three components:
- Update Seacat Auth configuration with [batman:elk]
section to allow it to use ElasticSearch API to synchronize
users and manage their authorization.
- Create and configure a Kibana client. This client object represents and identifies Kibana
in communication with Seacat Auth.
- Prepare the necessary server locations in Nginx config.
Seacat Auth configuration¶
Create the respective Batman section for the type of your app and provide the app's base URL and API credentials, e.g.
Client configuration¶
Use Seacat Auth client API (or Seacat Admin UI) to register your app as a client. In our case, we can send the following request:
POST /client
"client_name": "Kibana",
"redirect_uri_validation_method": "prefix_match",
"redirect_uris": [
The server will respond with our client's assigned ID and other attributes:
"client_id": "RZhlE-D4yuJxoKitYVL4dg",
"client_id_issued_at": 1687170414,
"application_type": "web",
"cookie_name": "SeaCatSCI_QLFLEAU4D726UPA3"
We will use the client_id
and client_cookie
in the next step.
Nginx configuration¶
The minimal configuration requires the following three locations to be defined in nginx:
- Client site location: Protected public location with client content (e.g. Kibana app) .
- Client introspection: Internal endpoint used by the nginx auth_request
- Client cookie entry point: Public endpoint which dispenses the Seacat client cookie at the end of a successful authorization flow.
Client site location¶
location /kibana/ {
# Kibana upstream
proxy_pass http://kibana_api;
# Auth introspection endpoint
auth_request /_kibana_introspection;
# Pass the Batman header obtained from Seacat Auth introspection to Kibana
auth_request_set $auth_header $upstream_http_authorization;
proxy_set_header Authorization $auth_header;
# In the case when introspection detects invalid authorization, redirect to OAuth authorize endpoint
# !! Use your client's actual client_id !!
error_page 401 https://example.com/auth/api/openidconnect/authorize?response_type=code&scope=cookie%20batman&client_id=RZhlE-D4yuJxoKitYVL4dg&redirect_uri=https://example.com$request_uri;
# Headers required by Kibana
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
Client introspection¶
location = /_kibana_introspection {
# Seacat Auth Batman introspection upstream
# !! Use your client's actual client_id !!
proxy_method PUT;
proxy_pass http://seacat_auth_api/batman/nginx?client_id=RZhlE-D4yuJxoKitYVL4dg;
proxy_set_header X-Request-URI "$request_uri";
proxy_ignore_headers Cache-Control Expires Set-Cookie;
# Introspection response caching
proxy_buffer_size 128k;
proxy_buffers 4 256k;
proxy_busy_buffers_size 256k;
proxy_cache kibana_auth;
# !! Fill in your client's actual cookie_name !!
proxy_cache_key $cookie_SeaCatSCI_QLFLEAU4D726UPA3;
proxy_cache_lock on;
proxy_cache_valid 200 10s;
Client cookie entry point¶
Must be located on the same hostname as the protected client location.
location = /auth/api/cookie/kibana {
# Seacat Auth cookie entry upstream
proxy_method POST;
proxy_pass http://seacat_auth_api/cookie/entry;
# Transfer the OAuth authorization code from query to request body
# !! Use your client's actual client_id !!
proxy_set_header Content-Type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
proxy_set_body "client_id=RZhlE-D4yuJxoKitYVL4dg&grant_type=authorization_code&code=$arg_code";