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Tags allow filtering and aggregating collected metrics. They provide dimensions for further analysis of the collected data. There are two means of assigning a tag to a metric. Static tags are given to the metric when it is initialized. Dynamic tags are assigned whenever a value is set.

Static Tags¤


MyCounter = MetricsService.create_counter(
    tags={'origin': 'MyApplication'},
    init_values={'v1': 0, 'v2': 0}

You can see the new tag origin in the initialization of MyCounter. You can locate the origin of each record in the time-series database by this tag. To make tracking of each metric record easier, there are several built-in static tags.

Built-in Tags¤

  • host: Hostname of the server or machine where the application is running.

  • appclass: Name of the application. It is the name of the class that inherits from the ASAB Application object.

  • node_id: Present if NODE_ID environmental variable is specified. It names a node in the cluster.

  • service_id: Present if SERVICE_ID environmental variable is specified. It names a service in the cluster.

  • instance_id: Present if INSTANCE_ID environmental variable is specified. It names an instance in the cluster.

  • site_id: Present if SITE_ID environmental variable is specified. It is a name a site, of a specific deployment.

Dynamic Tags¤


MyCounter = MetricsService.create_counter(
    tags={'origin': 'MyApplication'},
    init_values={'v1': 0, 'v2': 0},

MyCounter.add("v1", 1, {"method": "GET"}):

Some metric types (Counter, AggregationCounter, Histogram) allow you to use dynamic tags. You can create values with a specific tag-set during runtime. Specific tag-sets expire after a defined period. This might be spotted in your time-series database like a mysterious disappearance of unused tags. Specify the expiration period in the configuration, default is 60s.

Configuration example


See webrequests metrics as an example of metrics with dynamic tags.